

Registration: 109653/069/070

Abroad studies 留学について

ネパール日本国際教育学校は、日本語を学び、日本で将来を築きたいと願う学生に機会を提供する上で重要な役割を果たしています。 専門的な日本語トレーニングと、ビザの書類作成や大学への出願支援を含む包括的なサポートやサービスを提供することは、日本での教育とキャリアの目標を追求するために必要なステップを学生に指導するという取り組みを示しています。
ネパール政府に登録され、教育省から認可を受けることにより、学校の運営における信頼性と信用性が確保されています。 研修ビザや特定技能ビザなど、日本での留学や就労を目指す学生の多様なニーズを把握し、各種ビザのサポートを行っています。 一流の日本語学校であるということは、さまざまな背景や願望を持つ生徒のニーズを満たす質の高い教育とサポート そしてサービスを提供する専門知識と献身的な姿勢を意味します。 この取り組みは、学生たちが夢を実現し、日本で明るい未来を築くのに大きく貢献します。

Nepal Japan International Education School plays a crucial role in facilitating opportunities for students who aspire to study and build their future in Japan. Offering specialized Japanese language training and comprehensive support services, including visa documentation and university application assistance, demonstrates a commitment to guiding students through the necessary steps for pursuing their education and career goals in Japan.
By being registered with the Nepal Government and authorized by the Ministry of Education, the school ensures credibility and reliability in its operations. Providing support for various types of visas, such as Training visa and SSW visa, reflects an understanding of the diverse needs of students seeking to study and work in Japan. Being a leading Japanese Language School signifies expertise and dedication in delivering quality education and support services tailored to meet the needs of students from different backgrounds and aspirations. This commitment contributes significantly to helping students achieve their dreams and build a bright future in Japan.

Welcome to Nepal Japan International Education School




Nepal Japan International Education School is a well-known educational consultancy and a language school in Kathmandu. Registered under the Act of Nepal Government (Govt. Regd. No: 109653/069/070), we provide Japanese language training and conduct student exchange programs between Nepal and Japan. We are a leading institution to fulfill the needs of students who wish to study in Japan for their higher education.

Japan, the country of technologies and opportunities is gaining popularity for higher studies among Nepalese Students. Considering the needs of students, we are conducting Language training, university application process, VISA documentation and other necessary Japan study support for study in Japan.


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